
Blueberry, Banana, Spinach Smoothie

For lunch today I brought the leftover Broccoli & Ginger Stir-Fry from Meatless Monday last night. It just wasn’t my favorite Meatless Monday so far. Tonight I am making crispy Italian chicken with roasted tomatoes with a side of red potatoes and green beans. I’m way more excited about that! God I love food.

Speaking of food, I think I have perfected my favorite breakfast smoothie! Here it is:

Blueberry, Banana, Spinach Smoothie

1/2 frozen banana

1/4 cup frozen blueberries

3/4 cup fresh spinach leaves

1 cup Light Vanilla Soy Milk

1 scoop of Chocolate Whey Protein Powder (I use the Biggest Loser kind, 0 points per serving)

3 ice cubes

Place the first 4 ingredients in your blender carafe the night before and allow to sit in the fridge overnight. (This allows the banana and blueberries to thaw a little and makes the process in the morning much quicker!)

Haha! E-mail promotion does indeed work… the proof is that I am mentioning Future Board who just now sent me a brilliant intro email. Anybody looking for a recruitment agency? Sorry, tangent I realize… I will try and focus.

In the morning, add protein powder and ice cubes, blend until smooth.

It’s fantastic and tastes like a chocolate banana blueberry chocolate milkshake! I have officially gotten hooked on smoothies. It also works great with frozen mixed berries.

I am really bummed not to be running today, but I know it’s for the best. I don’t have health insurance so a doctor visit will only be a last resort.

I am going to say that I got the thought for this post speaking with Brittin from Quakes baseball. Many thanks for the seed. I suppose you find ideas in unanticipated ways.

Article Resources

https://cambridgelaboratories.ca – Cheers Hendrix. I know you are very busy! Appreciate your making some time.
https://www.revelhomes.ca/ – Happy I ran across these guys.

Posted in Home Improvement Post Date 12/21/2014




